
FIFO vs LIFO Inventory Valuation


FIFO vs LIFO Inventory Valuation

fifo and lifo accounting

The FIFO method assumes that the goods purchased or produced by a company are the first to be sold. When prices rise, the method results in lower COGS, higher profits, and higher taxes. There are a number of factors that impact which inventory valuation method you should use. Tax considerations play a large role in your choice, but tax impact shouldn’t be the only thing you consider when choosing between FIFO and LIFO. Many businesses find this requirement alone negates any benefits of LIFO valuation.

LIFO has been the subject of some budget controversy in the United States. In 2014, the administration of President Barack Obama sought to ban LIFO, which it said allowed companies to make their how to calculate fifo incomes appear smaller for the purposes of taxation. Proponents for keeping LIFO say repeal would increase the cost of capital for companies and have negative consequences for economic growth.

Valuation of cost of goods sold

In 2010, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) started efforts to converge GAAP and IFRS. The two common ways of valuing this inventory, LIFO and FIFO, can give significantly different results for ending inventory. This system is preferred by most companies, but it is especially used in companies where the inventory is perishable or subject to quick obsolescence. There are usually more inventory layers to track in a LIFO system, since the oldest layers can potentially remain in the system for years. There are usually fewer inventory layers to track in a FIFO system, since the oldest layers are continually used up. There are no GAAP or IFRS restrictions on the use of FIFO in reporting financial results.

fifo and lifo accounting

Going by the LIFO method, Ted needs to go by his most recent inventory costs first and work backwards from there. By its very nature, the “First-In, First-Out” method is easier to understand and implement. Most businesses offload oldest products first anyway – since older inventory might become obsolete and lose value.

What Are the Other Inventory Valuation Methods?

The FIFO method can help ensure that the inventory is not overstated or understated. Generally speaking, FIFO is preferable in times of rising prices, so that the costs recorded are low, and income is higher. Contrarily, LIFO is preferable in economic climates when tax rates are high because the costs assigned will be higher and income will be lower. With that said, if inventory costs have increased, the COGS for the current period are higher under LIFO. FIFO is the easiest method to use, regardless of industry, and this inventory valuation method complies with GAAP and IFRS.


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